InnoCity is student competition in Lappeenranta area. Students from Saimaa UAS and LUT compete in company assignments for four weeks. Videoclips of the teams are posted every week.

The third InnoCity competition begins on January 2012!

You can follow the competition from Facebook and website


Winner of KauneusStudio Assignment

Here is the Team Mainio......... WINNER of KauneusStudio Assignment
of Innocity Competition.



Well, the winners are:

MAINIO from Kauneusstudio's assignment and INTO from Forenom's assignment!!

WAY TO GO GUYS!! The party yesterday was great, keep up the energy!! :D


When i google i only get depressed....except if I google E=mc2 !

Good Evening everybody! It's E=mc2 calling.
How's your week been?
In our team, it's been nothing but lazy. We have, being honest, working our ass off with this project :D Hopefully it will be worth it! And of course it will.
Last video-shooting on next friday! Cool.
This night, and I think all nights from this day to sunday will be full of work. But hey, that's life yeah.
Here's some photos which are taken in previously sunday when we had very creative and effective meeting @ LUT (how the hell is having meetings on's supposed to be holiDAY...), cheer up mates and let's party heavily on next wednesday! And everybody's buying drinks for winners ;)
yours, truly, E=mc2 <3
p.s Remember to check Lappeenrannan uutiset today! (;



It was great to meet Marko sivula today, from Forenom company and ask him some questions that we wanted to know. Now we have almost finished our assignment and working on final sumup !!!

team "core"



Many ideas gushing in day by day, more clues and clues... we are integrating our information together now... Whao!!! it is beyond anybody imaginations, though it is challenging especially in this period of near approaching examinations but it is all interesting. Now, hoping to have nice and delightful next photo shot tomorrow and some trip around the city, it is better experiecnced than imagined.


This is really challenging time for everyone of us (all the participants of innocity competition), this is because we are going to have exam weeks so we need to give more time to our studies and also we need to be active and give time for our assignments of innocity. Though we know that where there is will, there is way so let´s always hope for the positive solution.

And we are exciteD for the next video shot on this friday. we hope that, it will be fun.

InnoCity (and also of course E=mc2) goes to the COUNTRYYY

Yihaa everybody!
At the photoshoot we decided to take things to the whole other level. We went back to the basics, to country, visit Ida's horse Roma and getting some fresh country air! (or fresh country snow, right Jayden? ;) ) Before shooting we were brainstorming at Coffee House (seems to be very popular spot in this competition...), also some pictures from there.
Now, here's for you. Take a look and learn!
Jayden is checking out whether the horse's is a boy or a girl.... ( :D )
Victoria totally feed Roma so much, the horse ain't gonna need any more sweets this year (;
Sepehr, our very own Santa Claus
Thinking about WINNING! Go Einstein.
Looking forward to the next week! 2 weeks to go!



Interview with the LUT magazine editor was really KOOOoooooooL!!!!
We really enjoyed that and now we are making plans for our new photo shot location:)

Christmas party with Mainio!

We baked traditional Finnish christmas torttus and piparis and welcomed also Innocity group to join us. Team spirit!