InnoCity is student competition in Lappeenranta area. Students from Saimaa UAS and LUT compete in company assignments for four weeks. Videoclips of the teams are posted every week.
The third InnoCity competition begins on January 2012!
You can follow the competition from Facebook and website http://www.innocity.fi/.
The third InnoCity competition begins on January 2012!
You can follow the competition from Facebook and website http://www.innocity.fi/.
Well, the winners are:
MAINIO from Kauneusstudio's assignment and INTO from Forenom's assignment!!
WAY TO GO GUYS!! The party yesterday was great, keep up the energy!! :D
MAINIO from Kauneusstudio's assignment and INTO from Forenom's assignment!!
WAY TO GO GUYS!! The party yesterday was great, keep up the energy!! :D
When i google i only get depressed....except if I google E=mc2 !
Good Evening everybody! It's E=mc2 calling.
How's your week been?
In our team, it's been nothing but lazy. We have, being honest, working our ass off with this project :D Hopefully it will be worth it! And of course it will.
Last video-shooting on next friday! Cool.
This night, and I think all nights from this day to sunday will be full of work. But hey, that's life yeah.
Here's some photos which are taken in previously sunday when we had very creative and effective meeting @ LUT (how the hell is having meetings on Sunday....it's supposed to be holiDAY...), cheer up mates and let's party heavily on next wednesday! And everybody's buying drinks for winners ;)
yours, truly, E=mc2 <3
It was great to meet Marko sivula today, from Forenom company and ask him some questions that we wanted to know. Now we have almost finished our assignment and working on final sumup !!!
team "core"
team "core"
Many ideas gushing in day by day, more clues and clues... we are integrating our information together now... Whao!!! it is beyond anybody imaginations, though it is challenging especially in this period of near approaching examinations but it is all interesting. Now, hoping to have nice and delightful next photo shot tomorrow and some trip around the city, it is better experiecnced than imagined.
This is really challenging time for everyone of us (all the participants of innocity competition), this is because we are going to have exam weeks so we need to give more time to our studies and also we need to be active and give time for our assignments of innocity. Though we know that where there is will, there is way so let´s always hope for the positive solution.
And we are exciteD for the next video shot on this friday. we hope that, it will be fun.
And we are exciteD for the next video shot on this friday. we hope that, it will be fun.
InnoCity (and also of course E=mc2) goes to the COUNTRYYY
Yihaa everybody!
At the photoshoot we decided to take things to the whole other level. We went back to the basics, to country, visit Ida's horse Roma and getting some fresh country air! (or fresh country snow, right Jayden? ;) ) Before shooting we were brainstorming at Coffee House (seems to be very popular spot in this competition...), also some pictures from there.
Now, here's for you. Take a look and learn!
Jayden is checking out whether the horse's is a boy or a girl.... ( :D )
Victoria totally feed Roma so much, the horse ain't gonna need any more sweets this year (;
Sepehr, our very own Santa Claus
Thinking about WINNING! Go Einstein.
Looking forward to the next week! 2 weeks to go!
Interview with the LUT magazine editor was really KOOOoooooooL!!!!
We really enjoyed that and now we are making plans for our new photo shot location:)
Christmas party with Mainio!
It's E=mc2 calling!
We want to share one very important fact with you guys :

Good mood is the key to success in any business!
Fresh, fresher, E=mc2 !
Hello everybody!
Last week was BUSY. We had meetings in Skype, photoshooting in LUT, brainstorming and visiting in our assignment company.
This week, new photoshoot in extrafun place, more meetings and ideas, SUPER.
Let me introduce you to our new logo :
Ain't it cool! Yellow colour at the background represents new light, new day, upcoming sun and upcoming ideas, green colour in the text is, as you may have recognise, our team-colour in InnoCity.
Only two and a half week to go!
Yours truly,
(¯`·._.·[THE R-R-RAPTORS]·._.·´¯)
Hi guys!
The Raptors are working on their assignment. Last week we had a meeting in Lappeenranta and we got some really nice ideas! And we also met Marjut and guys last week, the results you can see soon ;)
We scared some passing by people who were peacefully shopping in IsoKristina :D
Now we are having a hard work ahead. And we are doing our best!

It is minus 15C degrees outside and I was freezing my fingers off while I was waiting for the bus. I knew that my other team members were in the same boat as I received a text from Gobinda saying that he just missed the bus. Of some reason, the bus to the city centre was much earlier and we all were late for our next team meeting. The Coffee House was a pleasant place to meet up, especially when hot chocolate with whipped cream on the top was waiting for us. I passed the place many times, but this was the first time when I actually visited it. During our meeting, we were all sitting tight together at the table with our laptops and heavily discussing how to tackle our assignment.
Our approach is still a secret, of course, and therefore I can unfortunately not tell you more about it. At least not for the moment ;-) After ending our meeting, we realised that we had to wait about 20 minutes before our next bus would arrive. Waiting in the cold would have been too dreadful, so I have decided to stay in the Coffee House and write this blog.
1st week of Inno City Competion has gone and we are enjoying working on our assignment.
Yesterday's interview with Jayden was also very good.
One week has been elapsed since our assignment was declared and despite of our busy shedule of our school, we are making good communications with our group members and hope that it will go perfect. The real winter has started in Finland and between those hard circumstances everyone are fulfilling their responsibilities, it is so hard to walk outside these few days because of snow storm but at least we have patience to wait for next summer :DD
Anyways, best of luck to everyone with your assignments including our own team"core".
Anyways, best of luck to everyone with your assignments including our own team"core".
(¯`·._.·[THE R-R-RAPTORS]·._.·´¯)
The Raptors have been literally off the hook. We have given a little demonstration of our competency and dexterity on the Grand Opening itself. All teams were great but The Raptors killed the floor and made their way to the headlines in Etelä Saimaa, the very next day. In addition, The Raptors will also be collaborating with the local Newspaper authorities for further introduction and future plans, which will be officially published on Wednesday. Enough said, now the rivals can get an idea of what we are capable of and what we can do in order to strive for Victory.
Let me give you a little insight about what's going on behind the jaws and the claws!
The Raptors, from the name itself is a very fierce and aggressive team consisting of a multicutural environment of species. It is said that the Raptors are evolved from the Fantastic 4 as each of the team member consists of an extraordinary power and a wide range of talent. The powers of these Fantastic 4 are sourced from 4 different portals which include International Business, Tourism, Infomation technology and last but not least Mechanical Engineering. Fortunately, during a catastrophic experiment of a gorgeous co-ordinator the fantastic 4 were forged together to form the ultimately furious team, The Raptors.
(Stay tuned for further Entertainment & Fury as The Raptors make their way to the TOP)
Inauguration Ceremony of Innocity
Yesterday on November 17th, the Galleria floor rocked with the inauguration ceremony of Innocity, here in Lappeenranta. All the team member were there at 4:30 p.m. Everybody was curious what to show and what to do for the showcase of their team. Suddenly, all people got good assignment, carrying table from another building to the floor of Galleria. Our team shows the team spirit even on this. That was just a preparation for the ceremony.I was just making joke on it.Nothing more than that. Before program started, Jayden was roaming in the floor with mike and was asking different question to member of competition.
At 6:00 p.m, the program started. The hosts of the program were Maria and Marjut. Maria hosted in Finnish whereas Marjut hosted in English. The floor got hot with the street dance of the school boys and girls. They were cool, in a single word.
Then the hosts introduced the teams. Starting with The Raptors, Mainio, E=mc2, Brain and Beauty, Core and Into. Everyone had their own way to show themselves in front of the peoples.After it, Jayden asked a question to each team. The CEO of two companies, Kaunesstudio and Forenom spoke a bit about the Innocity and their company after the introduction phase of team. The jury were also in the floor of ceremony after it. Each people in the jury represents from different field with different experience. I liked the combination of jury.
At last the floor rocked again with the street dance of school guys.
Wait !!!
There was a lottery also at last. I can't remember the prize and name of winner. But no one won from my team :(.
Anyway, the program was good. Simply in a word, it was stupendous.
THE mighty E=mc²!
Yesterday we were not acquainted with each other, but today we call ourselves a team!
We are young and beautiful, we are multicultural, we are THE E=mc²! The name of our team, E=mc², may bring you an idea of one of the most important physicist of all times, Mr. Albert Einstein and his idea of mass-energy equivalence. However, as much as we do respect Mr. Einstein, we have created a unique interpretation of his equation that characterizes us as a team;
We are very Energetic, highly Motivated and Competitive in square !
It is cool to be a part of the project that expands horizons and lets us be creative and implement the ideas into reality!
We are 2 boys and 2 girls from Finland, Pakistan, Russia and Iran and we have one uniting goal to achieve something Big!
Follow us, enjoy the competition and let's have fun!
aka Ida-Lotta, Victoria, Sepehr and Muhammad Adeel
What is Mainio
Hi every one, this is the Mainio Team. We are very much proud to introduce ourselves through this blog.
Our team believe on "Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have now".
Mainio is the Finish word with the meaning excellent. So we are excellent and we are going to rock the floor of Innocity with our great idea and work. Other teams be aware that we are not excellent only in name, we are really excellent because we are two girls and two boys in a group with one great and beautiful coordinator.
Go Mainio Go !!!! Wait we are coming on Galleria this Wednesday for the inauguration of our competition to rock with our thought.
Hey my team, wake up......look it just a month away...the grand prize is calling us.............:)
InTo Group

We are enthusiastic about our group name and talk about it a lot...
Fresh and innovative ideas InTo reality.
We are InTo InnoCity.
Life is a miracle, coming InTo this world, coming InTo this city, and meeting you in InnoCity.
Brain and Beauty
There is no real name without a meaningful meaning, have you ever thought of it, the meaning of our team name `brains & beauty` , anyway, it simply means that our brains are capable enough to produce beautiful ideas required by any organization to move forward and have competitive edge over its contending counterparts. We are ready for the Innocity competition to take up any assignment we are saddled with and to deliver the best and most innovative results and eventually be in the better position to win the competition.
The taste of the pudding is in the eaten, come and witness the opening ceremony of Innocity competition, were titans clash, it is better experienced than imagined, expect a lasting sensation, you can't just afford to miss the period of real excitment. Stay cool.
Who are the Raptors??
The competitors for InnoCity competition are chosen and there are six international teams! The teams include students from Finland, Pakistan, Bangladesgh, Nigeria, Austria etc. The competition will be fierce when the Raptors, Into, E=mc2, Mainio, Brains & Beauty and the Core compete in the assignments!
Come and meet the teams in Galleria at the competition opening the 17th of November at 6 pm.
Come and meet the teams in Galleria at the competition opening the 17th of November at 6 pm.
Competition opening November 17th!
Come and see the competition opening at shopping centre Galleria the 17th of November at 18:00. Meet the companies, the jury and the competitors!
Competitors can still apply...
The competitors from LUT and Saimaa University of Applied Sciences are chosen on Wednesday, November 3rd. The deadline for applications is October 31 st. Then there are only 2 weeks until InnoCity starts! :)
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