InnoCity is student competition in Lappeenranta area. Students from Saimaa UAS and LUT compete in company assignments for four weeks. Videoclips of the teams are posted every week.

The third InnoCity competition begins on January 2012!

You can follow the competition from Facebook and website


What is Mainio

Hi every one, this is the Mainio Team. We are very much proud to introduce ourselves through this blog.
Our team believe on "Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have now".
Mainio is the Finish word with the meaning excellent. So we are excellent and we are going to rock the floor of Innocity with our great idea and work. Other teams be aware that we are not excellent only in name, we are really excellent because we are two girls and two boys in a group with one great and beautiful coordinator.
Go Mainio Go !!!! Wait we are coming on Galleria this Wednesday for the inauguration of our competition to rock with our thought.
Hey my team, wake up......look it just a month away...the grand prize is calling us.............:)

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